North Staffordshire Wellbeing Recovery College Registration Form

Your Personal Details

/ /

Emergency Contact We will contact you using your preferred method of contact however if we need to contact you by another method, for example in an emergency, we will use the other contact details

About You

  • Inpatient mental health wards
  • Community outpatient mental health appointments
  • Talking Therapies
  • Physical health appointments (i.e. long term health condition)
  • Community support organisation (i.e. Changes, The Dove Service, JustFamily CIC)


Once you have submitted your form, we will be in touch to arrange an initial chat to discuss your enrolment and book you on any workshops of interest.
  • Email
  • Text/SMS

Supporting You

Yes No
After submitting this form a member of College staff will contact you to discuss your enrolment.

Equality and Diversity Monitoring

Combined NHS Trust has a legal responsibility to pay due regard to: eliminating discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity and fostering good relations between people of different groups.

To help us to do this it is important we have a good understanding of how the courses run by the Recovery College are being taken up. With up-to-date and accurate information, we are able to:

  • Better understand our service users & shape the College's services to meet their specific needs
  • Identify & tackle any issues different people may have when accessing the courses
  • Ensure that people who need our services the most are able to access them

  • Your replies will not be used in a way that identifies you however they will help us to understand how community needs may vary; and helps us make informed decisions on how we develop services and target resources.

    Confidentiality and our promise to you

    Thank you for completing this registration form.

    Students of all our workshops are expected to:

    • maintain the privacy and confidentiality of other students and staff.
    • not to use mobile phones, computers or recording devices during workshops (unless agreed prior to the day).
    • inform us as soon as possible if you are unable to attend.

    In return the Wellbeing College will:

    • ensure the data you have provided us above is kept within GDPR regulations. Your personal data will not be shared outside of the Wellbeing College without your consent; unless in exceptional circumstances where we have concerns about your or others' immediate safety. In all cases our primary aim will be to obtain your permission first.
    • offer courses FREE
    • involve our service users in the development of our College wherever possible.

    By submitting this enrolment form, you are confirming that you have read and understand how your information will be stored / shared by the Wellbeing College

    Yes No